Feeling sick? Not sure what you have, or which are the defining symptoms? You may have walking pneumonia, a casual term for a group of infectious bacteria that cause sneezing, coughing, and general ache and malaise. This year, walking pneumonia is incredibly contagious, both before and after symptoms begin, leading CBS to refer to it as "This Year's H1N1."
Understanding Walking Pneumonia
Walking pneumonia is typically mild, allowing most people to continue their daily activities despite being infected. However, this highly contagious illness can spread rapidly in public places like schools, workplaces, and stores.
Symptoms Include:
- Sneezing
- Coughing
- General aches and malaise
- Sometimes mild fever
Treatment Recommendations
Treatment for walking pneumonia usually involves a course of antibiotics and possibly steroids if symptoms are severe. Most people recover without hospitalization, but it’s crucial to follow treatment guidelines to avoid complications.
Prevention: Protect Yourself and Others
1. Practice Good Hygiene
Frequent Hand Washing:
- Why: Washing your hands frequently, especially in public places, is your first line of defense against walking pneumonia. Bacteria can survive on surfaces for weeks, making hand hygiene critical.
- How: Use soap and water, scrubbing for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are unavailable, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Cover Sneezes and Coughs:
- Into the Elbow: Encourage others to sneeze and cough into their elbows rather than their hands to prevent the spread of germs.
2. Strengthen Your Immune System
Boosting your immune system can help prevent infection. Consider these products to enhance your immune defenses:
- Benefits: This colloidal silver product offers natural antimicrobial properties, helping to protect against bacterial infections.
- Usage: Take Mesosilver as a daily supplement to bolster your immune system.
Triple Strength Antioxidants:
- Benefits: Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and supporting overall immune health.
- Usage: Incorporate Triple Strength Antioxidants into your daily routine to keep your immune system strong.
Immune System Support:
- Comprehensive Support: Look for a supplement that combines vitamins, minerals, and herbs known to support immune function.
- Recommendation: Colloids for Life’s Immune System Support supplement is designed to enhance your body’s natural defenses.
3. Encourage Rest and Medical Attention
For Sick Individuals:
- Stay Home: If someone around you is sick, kindly suggest they rest at home and see a doctor. Walking pneumonia can be diagnosed with a blood test in one visit.
- Diagnosis: Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent the spread of the illness to others.
Care: What to Do If You Get Sick
If you manage to succumb to walking pneumonia, it’s essential to take care of yourself and protect those around you:
1. Rest and Hydration:
- Rest: Ensure you get plenty of rest to help your body recover.
- Hydrate: Drink lots of water and fluids to stay hydrated and help your body fight the infection.
2. Take Vitamins and Immune Boosters:
- Vitamins: Support your recovery with vitamins, especially vitamin C and zinc.
- Supplements: Continue taking immune-boosting supplements like Mesosilver and Triple Strength Antioxidants.
3. Maintain Distance:
- Avoid Close Contact: Give those around you space to prevent spreading the infection.
- Isolate: Stay home from work or school until you’re no longer contagious.
Regular Pneumonia vs. Walking Pneumonia
It’s important to differentiate between regular pneumonia and walking pneumonia:
Regular Pneumonia:
- Symptoms: More severe, including chest pain, fever, mucus production, and severe aches.
- Cause: Often viral and not treatable with antibiotics.
- Treatment: Requires medical attention and rest.
Walking Pneumonia:
- Symptoms: Milder, allowing individuals to remain active.
- Cause: Bacterial and treatable with antibiotics.
- Treatment: Antibiotics and rest.
Walking pneumonia is highly contagious but manageable with proper care and prevention. By practicing good hygiene, boosting your immune system with products like Mesosilver and Triple Strength Antioxidants, and taking appropriate measures if you fall ill, you can protect yourself and those around you from this year's outbreak.