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What is a Colloidal Mineral?

07 Oct, 2008 38
What is a Colloidal Mineral?

Colloidal minerals are ultra-fine particles of metals such as gold and silver that have been broken down and suspended in water, making them ingestible for humans. Mesocolloids colloidal dietary supplements, produced using today's most advanced technology, the mesoprocess, are the smallest, most effective particles available, known as mesoparticles. This proprietary process was pioneered and developed by the scientists at Colloidal Science Laboratory, Inc. (CSL).

Many products on the market claim to be colloidal but are actually ionic solutions that offer minimal benefits as dietary supplements. For more information on these ionic products, see The Truth About Ionic Silver.

What Exactly Do Colloids Do?

Metal colloids used as dietary supplements provide the body with essential minerals required to maintain optimum health. These minerals play crucial roles in both building and regulating bodily functions. The building functions of minerals affect all soft tissues, such as ligaments, muscles, tendons, and the skeleton. Minerals also regulate critical body functions including heartbeat, nerve response, oxygen transport to tissues, blood clotting, and maintaining internal pressure of body fluids.

Historical Use of Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver was commonly used until 1938. At the turn of the century, scientists discovered that the body's most important fluids are colloidal in nature, consisting of suspended ultra-fine particles. Blood, for example, carries nutrition and oxygen to body cells. This discovery led to extensive studies with colloidal silver. Before 1938, colloidal silver was a mainstream antibiotic treatment, considered quite advanced. However, production methods were costly, and the pharmaceutical industry shifted focus to more financially lucrative drugs, sidelining colloidal research.

How Does Colloidal Silver Work?

Colloidal silver disables the oxygen metabolism enzyme, or "chemical lung," of single-celled pathogens such as viruses, fungi, and bacteria. Within a few minutes, these pathogens suffocate and die, and are then cleared out of the body by the immune, lymphatic, and elimination systems. Colloidal silver is absolutely safe for humans, reptiles, plants, and all multi-celled living organisms.

Discover more about our Colloidal Gold and Silver and the numerous ways they can enhance your life naturally and without drugs by clicking the link below.

The Benefits of Colloidal Gold and Silver

  • Immune System Support: Helps bolster the body's natural defenses.
  • Antimicrobial Properties: Effective against a wide range of pathogens.
  • Safe for All: Non-toxic to humans, animals, and plants.

Our Products

Our Welltrients and Colloids products provide health-conscious consumers with a powerful, convenient formula of nutrients in the proper dosages to address specific health concerns. These formulations can replace an entire supplement regimen with one cost-effective nutraceutical approach. We offer products to support various health aspects including obesity, vision, emotional health, brain function, joint health, and more.

Explore our range of Natural Supplements and Colloids for Life products here.