All Colloidal Silver Is Not Equal - The Comparison Cost with Ionic Silver

Don’t Be Fooled
Did you know that most products represented as "colloidal" silver are actually products containing about 90% silver ions and only about 10% actual silver particles? Ionic Silver is often marketed as "colloidal silver" to drive sales, but for truth in advertising, these products should really be labeled as "Ionic Silver".

The Real Thing
Mesosilver from Colloids for Life contains 75% silver particles and is properly classified as "Colloidal Silver". Because of the difference in particle concentration, Mesosilver has 7.5 times the amount of silver particle content as the ionic "colloidal" silver.

Important: Mesosilver is several times more effective than ionic silver. Make sure you are getting colloidal silver, not ionic silver when purchasing a silver product. Learn to read the label and understand what you are buying.


The Facts
  • Mesosilver is 135 times more effective than ionic products claiming to be colloidal silver.
  • The Mesoprocess provides 7.5 times the weight of non-ionic silver particles.
  • The Mesoprocess particles provide surface area 18 times greater than those produced by other methods.

"I had heard that colloidal silver was helpful with sinus infections, but I tried three different kinds and never noticed any difference. Then I chose Mesosilver. As soon as I got the bottle, I noticed that the solution looked very different from all the other brands I had tried. I began using the Mesosilver and I noticed a difference within a couple of days. Mesosilver cleared up my sinus infection when the other brands I tried did nothing." - Jack Van Geldern, Riverside, CT

Do The Math
  • It takes 135 parts "ionic" colloidal silver to provide the same benefit as one part of Colloids for Life Mesosilver.
  • One bottle of Mesosilver costs you $30.
  • An 8 oz bottle of Ionic "colloidal" Silver cost $15.
  • Multiply $15 by 135 and you’re spending $2,025 for the same effectiveness of a $30 bottle of Mesosilver!

Silver Particles
The active ingredient in true Colloidal Silver is silver particles. The most effective silver colloids are those with the highest amount of particle surface area. Due to its high particle concentration and small particle size, Mesosilver authentic colloidal silver has at least 135 times the effectiveness of ionic silver. In order to receive the same amount of particle surface area in one teaspoon of colloidal silver from Colloids for Life, you would need to drink 135 teaspoons (2 cups plus 6.5 ounces) of ionic colloidal silver.

Surface Area/Particle Diameter
Total surface area is a critical element of the effectiveness of colloidal silver. The more surface area that comes in contact with the fungus, virus or bacteria, the more effective the treatment. The diameter of the individual silver particles has a direct relationship to this calculation. As particles become smaller, it takes more particles to make up a given weight (PPM). As the particles diameter decreases by 1/2, the particle surface area for that same weight of particles doubles. Our special Mesoprocess yields 7.5 times as much particle content, and yields a surface area that provides 18 times the particle surface area of particles produced by other processes.

Now you can see for yourself: All Colloidal Silver is not Equal. Always check the ingredients information!

Our colloidal mineral supplements are a flavorless liquid that can be added with food or drink for easy consumption. The primary means for introducing colloidal silver to the human body are: ingestion, nebulization and inhalation, and topical application.