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Take Care Of The Gastrointestinal System From Start To Finish

01 Apr, 2011 11
Take Care Of The Gastrointestinal System From Start To Finish

The gastrointestinal system (or GI tract) is a crucial part of the immune system that often goes unnoticed. Being more absorbent than the skin, what goes into the stomach can significantly impact overall health. There are specific conditions, such as Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, that can affect the GI tract. However, by being proactive in promoting gastrointestinal health, you can reduce the risk of these and other problems.

Start With What You Eat

Simple Ingredient Rule:

  • Choose Foods with Fewer Ingredients: Foods with shorter ingredient lists are less likely to contain additives like preservatives, food coloring, artificial sweeteners, or flavors. These additives aren’t truly food, and the GI system isn’t designed to process them effectively.

Natural Diet and Supplements:

  • Natural Diet: If you maintain a natural diet but still experience poor digestion, consider supplementing with enzymes. As we age, our bodies’ ability to absorb nutrients and produce enzymes diminishes. Supplements can provide essential nutrients and missing enzymes.

Hygiene and Probiotics:

  • Maintain Good Hygiene: Stomach flu is common worldwide. Keeping your natural gastrointestinal bacteria healthy helps your body fight foreign pathogens. Probiotics, found in yogurt and fermented foods, replenish natural gastrointestinal flora.
  • Post-Antibiotics: After a round of antibiotics, which can kill natural gut bacteria, supplementing with probiotics can help restore balance. If the bacterial colony dies, there’s a risk that fungus could take over, which is difficult to eliminate.

Complete Your Diet

Fight Inflammation:

  • Inflammatory Conditions: Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are inflammatory conditions of the GI tract. Prolonged inflammation increases cancer risk.
  • Antioxidants: These help fight inflammation and are found in fruits, vegetables, fish, and nuts (great sources of inflammation-fighting Omega-3). Increasing your intake of antioxidants supports overall health and benefits the liver.

Stay Hydrated:

  • Importance of Water: Many people in first-world countries often neglect to drink enough water, opting for coffee, juice, or alcohol instead. Water is essential for the entire body, including the GI tract.

Products to Support Gastrointestinal Health

1. Digestive Enzymes:

  • Function: Aid in breaking down food and absorbing nutrients more effectively.
  • Recommendation: Enzyme supplements tailored for digestive health.

2. Probiotics:

  • Function: Restore and maintain healthy gut flora.
  • Recommendation: High-quality probiotic supplements or foods rich in probiotics, like yogurt and fermented foods.

3. Antioxidant Supplements:

  • Function: Reduce inflammation and support overall health.
  • Recommendation: Supplements high in antioxidants, Omega-3 fatty acids, and other anti-inflammatory nutrients.

4. Hydration:

  • Function: Essential for proper bodily functions, including digestion.
  • Recommendation: Aim for at least 8 glasses of water a day. Consider herbal teas and water-rich fruits and vegetables as additional sources.


Maintaining a healthy gastrointestinal system involves a combination of a natural diet, proper hygiene, adequate hydration, and targeted supplements. By paying attention to what you eat and how you take care of your GI tract, you can significantly improve your overall health and reduce the risk of gastrointestinal diseases.