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Can You Get Staph Infections From Raw Meat?

27 Apr, 2011 25
Can You Get Staph Infections From Raw Meat?

When it comes to food safety, one concern that might not cross your mind is the risk of contracting a staph infection from raw meat. While properly cooking meat can kill bacteria, a drug-resistant staph infection may still be lurking on the beef, chicken, turkey, and pork you bring home. This makes kitchen hygiene and the practice of consuming meat cooked rare more critical than ever.

The Study: Shocking Findings

A study by the Translational Genomics Research Institute found that nearly half of meat and poultry in grocery stores were contaminated with drug-resistant staph infections. This alarming statistic points to a significant issue stemming from the overuse of antibiotics in livestock.

Key Facts:

  • Contamination Rates: Nearly 50% of grocery store meat tested was contaminated.
  • Source of Infection: Overuse of antibiotics in ranching is a primary contributor.
  • Drug Resistance: The staph found is often resistant to common antibiotics, making infections harder to treat.

How Does Staph End Up on Meat?

Antibiotics are frequently given to healthy animals to promote growth and prevent disease, which can lead to antibiotic-resistant bacteria. These bacteria can then transfer to humans through the handling and consumption of contaminated meat.

Protecting Yourself: Best Practices

  1. Choose Your Meat Wisely

    • Opt for Organic: Organic meat is generally free from antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, and GMOs.
    • Select Reliable Sources: Look for butchers and grocery stores that prioritize organic and antibiotic-free meats.
  2. Practice Rigorous Kitchen Hygiene

    • Clean and Isolate: Keep raw meat separate from other foods and thoroughly clean surfaces and utensils that come into contact with raw meat.
    • Cook to Safe Temperatures: Ensure meat reaches a safe internal temperature to kill any harmful bacteria.

Additional Protection: Colloids for Life Products

In addition to these practices, consider using Colloids for Life products to support your immune system:

  • MesoSilver: A natural colloidal silver supplement known for its immune-boosting properties.
  • Digest Aid+: Helps improve digestion and supports a healthy gut, which can be crucial in fighting off foodborne pathogens.

Key Takeaways

  • High Risk: Nearly half of grocery store meat is contaminated with drug-resistant staph.
  • Source Control: Buying organic and antibiotic-free meat reduces the risk.
  • Kitchen Hygiene: Proper cleaning and cooking are essential to prevent infection.

Final Thoughts

While the risk of staph infection from raw meat is real, being proactive about where you buy your meat and maintaining strict kitchen hygiene can significantly reduce your chances of contamination. Supplementing your diet with immune-supporting products like those from Colloids for Life can provide additional protection.