Sinus Infection, Headache and Congestion
Sinusitis Information
Sinus Infections (sinusitis) afflicts an estimated 37 million Americans every year. This year, one in seven people will suffer the dripping, coughing, fever, headache and congestion of a sinus infection. Sinusitis is so widespread that Americans with the problem miss an average of four work days per year. In addition, there are over 500,000 sinus surgeries performed annually.According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, sinusitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the nasal sinuses (the hollow cavities found within the cheek bones and near the eyes). The inflammation is usually triggered by inadequate draining due to allergies, infections or structural problems of the nose such as narrow drainage passages or a deviated septum. Asthma and Immunology, sinusitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the nasal sinuses (the hollow cavities found within the cheek bones and near the eyes). The inflammation is usually triggered by inadequate draining due to allergies, infections or structural problems of the nose such as narrow drainage passages or a deviated septum.
Sinuses help warm, moisten and filter the air in the nasal cavity and also add resonance to certain sounds. The three major signs indicating sinusitis are listed below. If you recognize a symptom in yourself or your child, see a specialist for a proper examination and diagnosis:
- Your cold lasts more than seven days and is accompanied by cough, fever, headache, toothache, facial pain, green or gray nasal drainage, or post-nasal drip.
- You have lost your sense of smell and taste and have bad breath accompanied by chronic congestion.
- In children, increased irritability and vomiting occurs with gagging on mucus and/or a prolonged cough.
The latest research indicates that over 90% of chronic sinusitis infections are fungal. This is the reason that pharmaceutical antibiotics are not successful in providing relief. In laboratory tests colloidal silver has been shown to reduce fungal growth, tests colloidal silver has been shown to reduce fungal growth, see test results.