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Tips For Natural Detox And Safe Cleansing

13 Aug, 2010 13
Tips For Natural Detox And Safe Cleansing

A natural detox can be a fantastic way to revitalize your health. By cleansing toxins and accumulated waste, and committing to a rigorously healthy diet for a few days or a week, you can experience a refreshing boost in energy and well-being. Detoxing can be especially helpful after a prolonged illness or to target specific organs. Some reported benefits of detoxing include brighter eyes, clearer skin, and increased vitality.

However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle consistently is more beneficial than sporadic, intense cleanses. Think of it like studying regularly versus cramming for a test the night before. The following tips are designed to help you incorporate detoxing into your regular health routine with simple, effective strategies to combat dietary chemicals (like preservatives and pesticides) and keep your body feeling rejuvenated.

Important Note: If you have severe health issues or generally unhealthy habits (such as junk food consumption, smoking, excessive drinking, or lack of exercise), it's crucial to consult a doctor before starting any detox or diet cleanse. For example, heavy drinkers should not quit cold turkey without professional help. Even if you’re generally healthy, a doctor’s consultation is still advisable to ensure you’re fit for a detox. Avoid extreme detox programs that require very low calorie intake; you should consume between 1500-2500 calories daily.

Here are some natural detox methods to incorporate into your routine:


Massage is not only relaxing but also a natural way to cleanse the body. It helps release toxins, which are then flushed out by drinking plenty of water post-massage. Regular massage benefits include:

  • Boosting the Lymphatic System: Your lymphatic system circulates white blood cells and relies on your movement to function, unlike the heart or lungs. Massage helps circulate lymph fluid, boosting your immune system, especially beneficial for those on bed rest.
  • Mental Relaxation and Immune Stimulation: The physical contact during massage relaxes the mind and stimulates the immune system through exposure to different germs.


Sweating is a natural way for your body to expel toxins. While exercise-induced sweating is ideal, you can also use a sauna or steam room. Ensure you’re not on medications that may cause light-headedness in heat and avoid staying in too long. Consider using natural deodorants without antiperspirants to allow your sweat glands to function properly. Occasionally exfoliate your armpits and skip antiperspirant to let your body sweat naturally.


Diet cleansing is popular but can be risky if it involves extreme fasting. Instead, try these safer methods:

  • Elimination Diet: Start by eliminating all but the most basic foods, then reintroduce one food at a time to identify any digestive issues or allergies. Enzymes and probiotics can aid digestion, while acupuncture might help with allergies.
  • General Diet Detox: Cut out drugs (alcohol and tobacco), junk food (sugar and processed foods), and meals that upset your GI tract. If you love certain foods, like steak or pasta, try smaller portions and balance your diet with fruits and vegetables.

Specific Organ Cleansing

For those with particular health concerns, specific organ cleanses might be beneficial:

  • Liver Cleanse: Popular among health-conscious individuals who drink alcohol, liver cleanses focus on natural ingredients that support liver function. Avoid alcohol and heavily processed foods during the cleanse.
  • Colon Cleanse: Many believe a colon cleanse is essential for detoxing. Choose products that support health rather than simply providing a temporary effect and maintain a balanced diet.
  • Kidney Cleanse: Drink plenty of water to dilute waste and prevent kidney stones or infections. Supplements can help balance minerals that cause kidney stones, especially if you know what type you form.

Regardless of the detox method you choose, always drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins. If you have any concerns, consult your doctor or a nutritionist.