Learn about coughing and congestion associated with URI's (Upper Respiratory Infections).
URI is a general term used to describe infection of the upper respiratory tract from bacterial, fungal or viral agents. The upper part of the respiratory system includes the ears, nose, sinuses, mouth, and throat. It also includes the main bronchi or windpipes, which are the air-carrying tubes in the chest. The upper respiratory system is the most commonly infected area in the body. Many of the signs and symptoms depend on the type of upper respiratory infection.
Common symptoms of URIs include runny stuffy nose, throat infection, fever, headache, cough, malaise or vague feeling of illness, muscle aches, loss of appetite, ear pain. There are many different types of upper respiratory infections, such as:
- the common cold, usually due to a virus
- influenza virus infection ("the flu")
- acute or chronic sinusitis, which involve the nasal sinuses
- otitis externa, or infection of the outer ear
- acute otitis media, or infection of the middle ear
- pharyngitis, or throat infection
- acute bronchitis, an infection in the lower windpipes
- croup, which is a viral infection of the main windpipe that is usually only seen in children
- epiglottitis, a bacterial infection of the main windpipe
Almost all URIs are contagious, so avoiding sick people can help prevent some cases. Frequent hand washing can also help reduce the spread of many URIs. Vaccines are used to help prevent some cases. Most URIs are mild; however, some can be serious and may have long-term effects. For example, untreated strep throat can lead to kidney damage or rheumatic fever. Acute otitis media can result in hearing loss. Severe croup and epiglottitis may be life-threatening. URIs can also put people at risk of getting pneumonia.
How Does the Immune System fight Upper Respiratory Infections?
The immune system is a body wide network of cells and organs that has evolved to defend the body against attacks by foreign entities such as bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses. The immune system identifies foreign entities and creates antibodies to destroy them.
About Mesosilver All Natural Colloidal Silver
Supplement your immune system with Mesosilver, an all natural dietary supplement. Mesosilver is made up of a high concentration of pure colloidal silver particles suspended in sterilized water. The particles are of the smallest size, .65 nanometers, and it's this high quality and small size combined with being highly concentrated that makes it the most effective colloidal silver product on the market. Further, Mesosilver has no drug interactions, meaning it will not interfere with any medications you may currently be taking. It also has no side effects reported from its many users. (Of course, do not take Mesosilver if you are allergic to silver). Mesosilver works to support a healthy immune system function. Drug claims cannot be made for Mesosilver. It is difficult and expensive to conduct the double-blind drug type experiments for dietary supplements that would be required to support any drug claims. However, testimonial reports from customers suggest that Mesosilver is an effective supplement to aide in maintaining good health.
Method of Use:
To maintain a healthy immune system take Mesosilver orally.
Note: Dosages which people recommend for colloidal silver vary since often a small dose is effective while large doses are not harmful. With our product, very small doses are effective since concentration of particles is very high and particle size is very low. The recommended dosage is one tablespoon 4 times a day.
Mesosilver may be used with a nebulizer. Administer two or three 15 minute sessions using a nebulizer (5 mL each session) daily. One 250 mL bottle will last 50 for sessions. For those who do not have a nebulizer, click here, Omron Nebulizers. For daily maintenance take Mesosilver orally.
Normal dosage: Mesosilver is absolutely safe and has no drug interactions. Oral dosage is one tablespoon twice daily.